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Nasa - Climate target is not radical enough

"Nasa scientist warns the world must urgently make huge CO2 reductions"

Category: Climate Change


Coal power policy under attack from top scientists

"Britain's leading scientists have told ministers that plans for a new generation of coal power stations pose an unacceptable climate risk, unless greater efforts are made to trap and store the carbon pollution they produce."


'No Sun link' to climate change

"Scientists have produced further compelling evidence showing that modern-day climate change is not caused by changes in the Sun's activity."

Category: Climate Change


Concern over 'zero carbon' homes

"UK home-owners are not prepared to make the changes needed to live in "zero carbon" homes, according to a report."


Drilling into a climate hotspot

"Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey have just returned from one of the most ambitious projects of the season: to drill an ice core from the top of a mountain high on the Antarctic Peninsula."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 886 to 890 out of 1185